Centralising industry-leading products, solutions and managed services globally
Bringing NTT’s capabilities together under one digital entity that delivers a full breadth of industry-leading products, solutions and managed services on a global scale

30+ companies, one global entity
The challenge was to unite NTT’s portfolio of multiple, established global brands under one digital identity, with the aim to ensure those affiliate sites would not lose out on market share and to enhance lead generation on the new solution.
We first build NTT’s site in 2019, migrating a vast amount of content and communicating their brand effectively to a global audience. Since then, we’ve focused on devising comprehensive CX strategies with the aim of transforming the site into a lead generation platform.

Complex migration strategy
We’re supporting NTT through an exciting growth programme which has seen the acquisition of multiple affiliate companies. Working agile on Sitecore 10.2 DXP, we’ve maintained market share during each migration, ensuring that NTT’s digital estate is fit to accommodate its growing service offering as well as an ever-expanding customer base.

Frances Mendoza
Director of Marketing Technology NTT