If Drupal or Umbraco is your underlying CMS platform, you need to consider how these challenges could be hindering your growth and affecting your technology ROI.
We help organisations that have outgrown their tech make the move to enterprise solutions to better meet their business objectives.
What we see
1. Mounting costs. To your bottom line, and customer experience
Drupal and Umbraco are on the face of it cheaper solutions to implement. But because of their constraints, Total Cost of Ownership can ramp up significantly; custom features and workflows become more complex and expensive to build than the enterprise DXPs and support is non-existent without further costs. You can quickly undo the savings you made on licence fees by simply keeping the lights on. Your roadmap stagnates and your competitors charge ahead innovating.
2. Your ability to empower your marketing team flatlines
Drupal and Umbraco provide you with templates, but your customer experiences aren’t necessarily built to empower marketers. This means your marketing team can’t work quickly and cost effectively to create and amend web pages – or easily test and personalise components like CTAs, search functionality, navigation etc. This means development costs to do all this will ramp up in line with the more sophisticated your marketing operations gets, becoming unsustainable and an eventual blocker to sophisticated marketing operations.
3. Lack of security means massive risks to your and your customers’ data
Drupal & Umbraco are open-source platforms developed by a community of part-time volunteers who contribute from around the world providing patches for security risks on the platform. Because the timeliness of updates can not be guaranteed, this can be cause of concern for enterprises in highly regulated industries which have to adhere to security policies like ISO27001.
Where we can help
Being cost and technology led can often hinder rather than help. So our first step is to run our Strategy Barometer, a tool that identifies gaps, priorities and imminent challenges of your current technology and digital operations. The Barometer is will help you take a step back to understand where you are against where you want to be; ensuring a new perspective that drives better decision making.
Led by our strategists, we’ll uncover with you the best route to a more robust and effective technology stack, by looking at:
· Strategic maturity: your organisational capabilities and mandates
· Experience maturity: your best practice and efficiency
· Data maturity: your quality and governance
· Marketing maturity: your channel utilisation and effectiveness
· Technology maturity: your infrastructure and development processes